How to Keep Your Board Meeting Schedule on Track

Everyone has been through an assembly that was off-topic or over the time limit. Although it might not seem like a big deal when it happens often, repeatedly off-topic discussions could lower morale and create problems with organization down the road. It is important to note that board meetings that run over-time can rob the board of the opportunity to discuss and approve key actions.

A common culprit of over-running board meetings is stacking the agenda with lengthy reports and other routine items. The more information you give members, the more likely it is that they will go through. Limit the reporting at board meetings. Ask officers and committee chairmen for bullet points instead of a minute by minute summary of what has been completed or is currently being completed. It is also recommended to include the «parking lot» item on the agenda for items that require discussion, but aren’t considered to be priority. This will keep new topics from taking the spotlight away from agenda items which should be the focus.

A clear agenda can help the board to engage in a productive discussion and take a more informed decision. The best way to do this is to start the meeting by addressing the most important issues and leave time at the end for participants to ask questions or bring up any new items that they aren’t sure about. This will allow leaders to tap into the collective wisdom of the board members and walk away with great ideas to move your business forward.

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